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BeachBum Super User

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Posted: February 19 2008 at 14:27 | IP Logged
Think I found the root cause:
“Caller ID data from Bell Canada is usually presented by most modems in the form DATE-TIME-NAME-MESG and sometimes DATE-TIME-MESG-MESG, rather than the DATE-TIME-NAME-NMBR format. If the modem reports NMBR in the number field then it should work just fine.”
Maybe Dave can come up with a work around.
__________________ Pete - X10 Oldie
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mustangcoupe Super User

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Posted: February 19 2008 at 18:28 | IP Logged
Maybe at the same time you can fix it for the double number line also...
maybe you can add a line in the ini file to enter your specific CID format. not sure it will fix my problem (double number line (vonage)) but it could help others
__________________ Todd Hannemann
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dhoward Admin Group

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Posted: February 19 2008 at 22:41 | IP Logged
Ok, made changes to the CID plugin to accomodate (I hope) both Todd and Brian's CID peculiarities. CID version now is 1.8 which can be verified by checking under the plugins tab of the Help|About screen.
Download it here:
Let me know if this works for you guys or not.
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Gadgets Senior Member

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Posted: February 19 2008 at 22:55 | IP Logged
dhoward wrote:
Got it!! The problem is that your modem is using MESG instead of NMBR for the numbers that are not recognized. This is very wierd and something I havent yet encountered.
Not sure what the fix is unless I modify the plugin to search for both NMBR and MESG. I'll see what I can do tonight and hopefully we'll have a new version out.
Excellent! Thank god you caught the problem.. this has been freaking me out!
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Gadgets Senior Member

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Posted: February 19 2008 at 22:56 | IP Logged
dhoward wrote:
Ok, made changes to the CID plugin to accomodate (I hope) both Todd and Brian's CID peculiarities. CID version now is 1.8 which can be verified by checking under the plugins tab of the Help|About screen.
Download it here:
Let me know if this works for you guys or not.
You're awesome Dave! I'll test it out tomorrow.. house is asleep now so don't want to be ringing the phones. I'll let you know as soon as I have tested it out.
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Gadgets Senior Member

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Posted: February 20 2008 at 10:13 | IP Logged
Ok here we go... testing initially this morning went well. My wife called (blocked number) and the system spoke. So then I used my cell. It gave my hello message, and recorded the info in the log because the "user message [Temp5][Temp10]" or whatever it is. However, after trying to get the macro to announce that information and was unsuccessful, I put the macro back the way it was, and now it doesn't record the proper info in the log.
Here's what it is all looking like:
Feb 20 2008 09:36:15 User Message [Temp5] [Temp10]
Feb 20 2008 09:36:15 Macro Macro CALLER_ID
Feb 20 2008 09:36:15 Trigger Check Trigger check
of CALLERID performed.
Feb 20 2008 09:32:14 User Message [local1]
Feb 20 2008 09:32:14 User Message [Temp5] [Temp10]
Feb 20 2008 09:32:14 Macro Macro CALLER_ID
Feb 20 2008 09:32:14 Trigger Check Trigger check
of CALLERID performed.
Feb 20 2008 09:28:32 User Message [Temp5] [Temp10]
Feb 20 2008 09:28:32 Macro Macro CALLER_ID
Feb 20 2008 09:28:32 Trigger Check Trigger check
of CALLERID performed.
Feb 20 2008 09:20:14 User Message [Temp5] [Temp10] <---stopped working
Feb 20 2008 09:20:14 Macro Macro CALLER_ID
Feb 20 2008 09:20:14 Trigger Check Trigger check
of CALLERID performed.
Feb 20 2008 08:50:57 User Message
905327####Brian's Cell <-- it worked
Feb 20 2008 08:50:54 Macro Macro CALLER_ID
Feb 20 2008 08:50:54 Trigger Check Trigger check
of CALLERID performed.
Feb 20 2008 08:41:08 User Message OO <-- it worked
Feb 20 2008 08:40:56 Macro Macro CALLER_ID
Feb 20 2008 08:40:54 Trigger Check Trigger check
of CALLERID performed.
I'm sure it's back like it was... but apparently not.
Now with this in mind, how do I make the system announce who is calling. I went back to an old TonyNo's post and in his complex macro used TTS "[LOCAL1]" + ". call from " + "[LOCAL1]"
but that didn't seem to work.
I think we're very close now....
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BeachBum Super User

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Posted: February 20 2008 at 11:42 | IP Logged
I never could get the user message to work as it was entered but this did work as a FORMULA ph_usermessage(ph _getvar_s(2,5) + "|" + ph_getvar_s(2,10)). That should give you the number and the caller.
__________________ Pete - X10 Oldie
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Gadgets Senior Member

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Posted: February 20 2008 at 13:40 | IP Logged
BeachBum wrote:
I never could get the user message to work as it was entered but this did work as a FORMULA ph_usermessage(ph _getvar_s(2,5) + "|" + ph_getvar_s(2,10)). That should give you the number and the caller. |
Ok BB, that did the trick. The info is back to being logged. Now, how do I get it to announce the caller?
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BeachBum Super User

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Posted: February 20 2008 at 14:00 | IP Logged
Try TTS "The incoming call is from" + ph_getvar_s(2,10) + ph_getvar_s(2,5) You may need to work with the number to stop it speaking a large number. Look at Tony’s code.
__________________ Pete - X10 Oldie
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Gadgets Senior Member

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Posted: February 20 2008 at 14:47 | IP Logged
BeachBum wrote:
Try TTS "The incoming call is from" + ph_getvar_s(2,10) + ph_getvar_s(2,5) You may need to work with the number to stop it speaking a large number. Look at Tony’s code. |
SWEET! Ok so that worked more or less. I called with my cell which only shows the phone #. PH tald me the #, but didn't give me the name, which is retrieved from the [names] list. And it again show in the log 905327####|Brian's Cell so it looks like you have it nailed. I'll look back at Tony's code and see if I can get the info announced like I want. If not, I'll be back.
Thanks SO much BB!
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Gadgets Senior Member

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Posted: February 21 2008 at 10:40 | IP Logged
Alright! Life is great this morning! PH is talking away when the calls come in! Now I've entered some of the regular telemarker numbers in and flagged them as such, we'll see how that works.
Guys thanks SO much for the help on this, and Dave, thanks for fixing the plugin so quickly.
Now what else can I try to get myself into!!
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Gadgets Senior Member

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Posted: February 25 2008 at 09:07 | IP Logged
I have been playing with new voices to get away from SAM. But they are not saying the phone number correctly, they are pronouncing them as whole numbers (905 million, 327 thousand, etc...etc..) sam pronounces them as a phone number. Is there something that needs to be done to change that? Can I use the format ###-###-#### in the [names] list?
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BeachBum Super User

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Posted: February 25 2008 at 09:58 | IP Logged
I think you need to format the data like: string ( number("[LOCAL1]"), "###-####" ) using whatever variable and mask you need.
__________________ Pete - X10 Oldie
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Gadgets Senior Member

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Posted: February 25 2008 at 13:26 | IP Logged
BeachBum wrote:
I think you need to format the data like: string ( number("[LOCAL1]"), "###-####" ) using whatever variable and mask you need. |
NOOB ALERT! Where do I put that kind of line??
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TonyNo Moderator Group

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Posted: February 25 2008 at 13:57 | IP Logged
You can inset a line into your macro just before the TTS.
SET SYSTEM [LOCAL1] string ( number("[LOCAL1]"), "###-####" )
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Gadgets Senior Member

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Posted: February 25 2008 at 15:26 | IP Logged
Ok great Tony, thanks.
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Gadgets Senior Member

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Posted: February 26 2008 at 22:57 | IP Logged
Here is a update to the number pronounciation issue. It seems to depend on the voices a great deal. Microsoft's SAM said it correctly, but other voices did not. I now have gotten NeoSpeech "Kate" wow what a change! Clear as a bell, and she pronounces the number correctly without any help.
Just thought I'd post this as an FYI.
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keepersg Newbie

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Posted: April 20 2008 at 13:00 | IP Logged
I need some help with the CID plug in. I followed the instructions given in the WIKI, got it downloaded and received a successful registration message but after reiniting, restarting and rebooting Powerhome doesn't know its there. I've gone through the whole process 3 times without success.
What am I missing?
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Gadgets Senior Member

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Posted: April 20 2008 at 13:53 | IP Logged
Hey Keep,
When you say Powerhome doesn't know it's there, do you mean it's not showing up when you go to Help->About->Plugins or is it there but not responding to your settings etc.?
keepersg wrote:
I need some help with the CID plug in. I followed the instructions given in the WIKI, got it downloaded and received a successful registration message but after reiniting, restarting and rebooting Powerhome doesn't know its there. I've gone through the whole process 3 times without success.
What am I missing? |
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Gadgets Senior Member

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Posted: April 20 2008 at 13:57 | IP Logged
This recent question reminded me. I'm wondering if the CID Plugin can be adjusted to work with the Bell Canada long distance ring. Anything that comes in as a long distance be it 1-800, 1-905-xxx-xxxx etc I have a feature that causes the phone to ring one long and one short for each ring. The plugin doesn't seem to get the CID info. It is sent but I think it is sent after the first set of long and short seeing as technically that is one ring. If there anyway I can fix this? I really want the system to hang up on telemarkets which currently it's not doing because of this.
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