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traviskleckner Senior Member

Joined: February 26 2007 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 118
Posted: December 05 2012 at 12:00 | IP Logged
I've got a LampLinc Dual-Band (2457D2) that seems to be
going crazy. There where hundreds of links in it's
responders list in PH and are all ID: [ID NOT FOUND] and
the address is FF.FF.FF. I deleted them and it went
through and purged the list, but if I leave "enable
pending" checked it seems to constantly have a record
like "SCAN LINK: record xx, Device ABC" (where xx keeps
going up and abc is the device name). Each time it ads
another bogus link.
But really, the primary problem is that it doesn't seem
to allow any linking. I added links between that 2457D2
and a SwitchLinc and a couple keypads. It shows in PH
that the links are created and verified but they don't
work. The LampLinc just does nothing. I can manually
link the LampLinc.
Just to muddy the waters, I also recently both updated to
Power-Home 2.1.4 + I2CS patch. For what it's worth, I
had "link scan" and "Allow Link Spidering" on becuase I
thought that then it might detect the manual link I had
done between that LampLinc and new RemoteLinc 2.
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dhoward Admin Group

Joined: June 29 2001 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 4447
Posted: December 05 2012 at 12:29 | IP Logged
The first thing I would do is a factory reset on your Lamplinc. You should be able to accomplish this by unplugging the lamplinc, press and hold the "set" button, plug it in while still holding the "set" button for about 15 seconds. This should completely wipe the links (it sounds as if the link database was corrupt).
Next, let PowerHome scan the links (it shouldnt find any). Before actually scanning the links, I would probably clear the PH link database for the LampLinc device. You can do this from Insteon Explorer on the "Links" tab. Make the Lamplinc the current device and then click the headers in both the "Controllers" and "Responders" for the LampLinc device. This should highlight all the rows. Now instead of dragging/dropping the links, press the "Remove" button. You'll get a popup message, just press Yes. Save your changes. This process actually just wipes the links from the PH database without trying to actually remove them from the device (the factory reset would have done that).
Lets see where that gets us.
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traviskleckner Senior Member

Joined: February 26 2007 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 118
Posted: December 05 2012 at 13:13 | IP Logged
Thanks for the fast reply!
I reset the device and removed the links like you said.
I reinitialized PH just for good measure. After the
reinit, the Pending Operations now shows the same "SCAN
LINK: Record X, Device ABC" but X has restarted at 1.
Each time it runs it creates a new record as a responder
on that device, with a button of -X
Log looks like this:
TX sendinsteonraw=00 00 00 1A DD 06 05 2B FB
RX SENDINSTEON=00 00 00 1A DD 06 05 2B FB
RX sendinsteonraw=04 1A DD 06 09 46 9A A5 2B FF
(Almost certainly unrelated, but Echo Raw Log to File
indicates that it can't open a blank file)
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traviskleckner Senior Member

Joined: February 26 2007 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 118
Posted: December 05 2012 at 13:14 | IP Logged
Maybe related, but under reports that device shows a NAK
bar that's like 99% where everything else has a ACK bar
that's 99%.
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dhoward Admin Group

Joined: June 29 2001 Location: United States
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Posted: December 05 2012 at 13:45 | IP Logged
The SCAN LINK: Record 1, XXX is a normal display for scanning the links. What should happen is that it should start at 1 after scanning the first link entry and seeing no records exist, then its finished and no links will appear in the database. But since you're getting a NAK (more on this in a minute), it will constantly repeat this command.
Based on the log the returned cmd2 being FF, it appears that this is an I2CS device. My guess is that you originally added this Lamplinc device to PowerHome before you applied the I2CS patch and now PowerHome cant detect that its an I2CS device. I need to come up with a cleaner way to reset this condition but the easiest way to fix it right now is to delete the device from PH (Insteon Explorer->Devices tab) and then Save your changes (all IE tabs). Then add the LampLinc back and leave the type as AutoDetect. Make sure that Enable Pending, Status Scan, and Link Scan are all checked. Save the newly added device and PowerHome should work out the I2CS and make all the appropriate entries and then properly scan the links.
Let me know.
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traviskleckner Senior Member

Joined: February 26 2007 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 118
Posted: December 05 2012 at 14:15 | IP Logged
I'm starting to wonder if this device is just whacked. I
did all the steps above. When I when to add it (I used
the Auto Discovery as I always do) it discovered 2 new
devices: (and the , isn't a typo)
But what's weird is the new device is 1A.DD.06 (right
from the back of it.)
So I deleted one device in PH and then fixed the address
of the remaining to be correct. Set to * Autodetect Type
* and let it fly. Returned with * Type Not Found *.
Any thoughts?
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dhoward Admin Group

Joined: June 29 2001 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 4447
Posted: December 05 2012 at 15:29 | IP Logged
| sounds like it may even be the PLM. You didnt happen to have the "Echo Raw Log to File" setup did you? If not...assuming its would be great if you could repeat the above steps so I can track whats going on. I would then be able to determine if its the PLM, the device, or even PowerHome that is tripping up.
If you havent already setup the raw log to file option, you'll need to go into PowerHome Explorer under Setup->Controllers and click the settings button for you PLM. There you will define a full path and filename for the log file. After doing that, you'll need to reinit or restart PH. Then you can just place a check in the Echo Raw Log box and it'll save all the Insteon transmissions so I can see exactly whats going on.
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traviskleckner Senior Member

Joined: February 26 2007 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 118
Posted: December 05 2012 at 15:41 | IP Logged
I tried setting the log file under controllers but it's
got a "5" in there right now and no matter what I change
it to it just goes back to "5". Is there another way to
Hmmmm....I'm wondering if the problem is that my PLC. I
looked at my Smarthome orders to figure out the exact
device I have and noted that on the product page for the
2414U it says "PowerLinc Controller no longer works with
any INSTEON devices sold after March 2012."
I'm thinking the problem is my PLC is from 2007 and new
devices might not like it. I do have another LampLinc
that's actually from a March 2012 order and it works fine
but maybe my PLC isn't happy with the new stuff.
That said is the 2413U the preferred device these days?
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dhoward Admin Group

Joined: June 29 2001 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 4447
Posted: December 05 2012 at 16:20 | IP Logged
To fix the log error, you would need to delete the entry for the controller, save, and recreate the entry. The problem would have occurred during an upgrade in PH versions and it didnt successfully add the extra column for the logfile name. Dropping the controller entry completely and recreating it will solve that problem. Just make sure that you recreate it the same (probably write it down or take a screenshot).
That said, I thought you had a PLM. If you've got a PLC then you are definitely going to have problems with I2CS devices...simply they won't work. You can manually create a link to the PLC from the Lamplinc and you'll be able to control it from PowerHome but you won't be able to do any type of software linking, etc. You would basically need to mark the LL as disabled so PH doesnt attempt any of the background communications with it. This would buy you some time but you would need to upgrade to a PLM in order to get full support back.
The 2413U is a fine device. I prefer serial over USB but my favorite device at the moment is actually the 2412N (SmartLinc) which currently on sale for $99.99. This is an IP device meaning no USB or serial, just plug it into your home network.
Sorry for the bad news.
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traviskleckner Senior Member

Joined: February 26 2007 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 118
Posted: December 05 2012 at 16:30 | IP Logged
I hardly consider that bad news...that PLC has been around
for 5 years and is intermittently cranky. I ordered a
2421N from Amazon so we'll see if that fixes the problem.
Anything special I need to know about moving over to the
new one?
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BeachBum Super User

Joined: April 11 2007 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 1880
Posted: December 05 2012 at 20:19 | IP Logged
If you mean 2412N instead of 2421N then the 2412N is not exactly like the PLM. You best go to this post for information. smartlinc
And if it doesn't work you may have to go to the Drivers folder in Powerhome and install the serial drivers. When it works it looks just like a PLM and you can run it from anywhere.
__________________ Pete - X10 Oldie
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traviskleckner Senior Member

Joined: February 26 2007 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 118
Posted: December 06 2012 at 14:21 | IP Logged
Okay, the 2412N is up and running. All previous things
seem to be working (thank god for the SWAP ID function).
When I installed it PH didn't seem to recognize it's
IEngine, and wasn't creating links. I changed it to I2
and it seems to have built all the links on it.
The 2457D2 is better but still doesn't seem to be able to
make links. I can control it from the device manager
without problem. It shows 100% communication.
It's R1.9 and then under that 2912. When I
AutoDiscovered it it at least showed up correctly. It
was set to "XXXX New Insteon Device Type" and wasn't
doing anything. It also (like the above) blank IEngine.
I've tried changing that to Legacy, I2 and I2CS with no
luck. Each time when I save it the link creation items
appear in the Pending Operations, but then there is a
flash and they are all gone and the device is marked as
disabled. As best I can tell it doesn't show anything in
the log.
Here is the log (The 2457D2 ID is 1A DD 06):
2012-12-06 14:14:03.857 RX &nbs p; INSTEON TIMEOUT=14 3C C3
2012-12-06 14:14:05.482 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B F1
2012-12-06 14:14:05.529 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B F1 06
2012-12-06 14:14:06.514 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 2B 2B 03
2012-12-06 14:14:06.717 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B F2
2012-12-06 14:14:06.795 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B F2 06
2012-12-06 14:14:07.920 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 23 2B 07
2012-12-06 14:14:08.123 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B F3
2012-12-06 14:14:08.170 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B F3 06
2012-12-06 14:14:08.373 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 21 2B E7
2012-12-06 14:14:08.592 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B F4
2012-12-06 14:14:08.639 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B F4 06
2012-12-06 14:14:13.951 RX &nbs p; INSTEON TIMEOUT=14 3C C3
2012-12-06 14:14:14.045 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B F4
2012-12-06 14:14:14.107 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B F4 06
2012-12-06 14:14:15.592 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 27 2B 23
2012-12-06 14:14:15.795 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B F5
2012-12-06 14:14:15.842 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B F5 06
2012-12-06 14:14:17.357 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 27 2B FF
2012-12-06 14:14:17.592 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B F6
2012-12-06 14:14:17.654 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B F6 06
2012-12-06 14:14:22.779 RX &nbs p; INSTEON TIMEOUT=14 3C C3
2012-12-06 14:14:22.873 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B F6
2012-12-06 14:14:22.920 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B F6 06
2012-12-06 14:14:24.420 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 27 2B 1F
2012-12-06 14:14:24.639 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B F7
2012-12-06 14:14:24.701 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B F7 06
2012-12-06 14:14:29.779 RX &nbs p; INSTEON TIMEOUT=14 3C C3
2012-12-06 14:14:29.873 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B F7
2012-12-06 14:14:29.920 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B F7 06
2012-12-06 14:14:30.889 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 27 2B 00
2012-12-06 14:14:32.545 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 28 0F
2012-12-06 14:14:32.607 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 28 0F 06
2012-12-06 14:14:37.639 RX &nbs p; INSTEON TIMEOUT=14 3C C3
2012-12-06 14:14:37.732 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 28 0F
2012-12-06 14:14:37.779 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 28 0F 06
2012-12-06 14:14:37.982 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 21 28 0F
2012-12-06 14:14:38.170 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B E8
2012-12-06 14:14:38.248 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B E8 06
2012-12-06 14:14:38.436 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 21 2B A2
2012-12-06 14:14:38.639 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B E9
2012-12-06 14:14:38.701 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B E9 06
2012-12-06 14:14:39.670 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 2B 2B 03
2012-12-06 14:14:39.873 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B EA
2012-12-06 14:14:39.889 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 23 2B 03
2012-12-06 14:14:39.936 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B EA 06
2012-12-06 14:14:40.139 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 21 2B 12
2012-12-06 14:14:40.358 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B EB
2012-12-06 14:14:40.404 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B EB 06
2012-12-06 14:14:40.608 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 21 2B C8
2012-12-06 14:14:40.826 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B EC
2012-12-06 14:14:40.873 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B EC 06
2012-12-06 14:14:42.842 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 2B 2B 5C
2012-12-06 14:14:43.029 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B ED
2012-12-06 14:14:43.092 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B ED 06
2012-12-06 14:14:43.623 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 22 2B FF
2012-12-06 14:14:43.826 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B EE
2012-12-06 14:14:43.983 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B EE 06
2012-12-06 14:14:44.889 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 27 2B 03
2012-12-06 14:14:45.076 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B EF
2012-12-06 14:14:45.139 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B EF 06
2012-12-06 14:14:46.592 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 2B 2B 00
2012-12-06 14:14:48.373 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=1C 4C
96 00 00 01 C7 11 00
2012-12-06 14:14:48.608 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=1C 4C
96 00 00 01 C7 11 00
2012-12-06 14:14:49.576 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=1C 4C
96 00 00 01 C7 13 00
2012-12-06 14:14:49.858 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=1C 4C
96 00 00 01 C7 13 00
2012-12-06 14:14:57.186 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 28 0F
2012-12-06 14:14:57.233 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 28 0F 06
2012-12-06 14:14:59.248 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 27 28 0F
2012-12-06 14:14:59.436 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B E0
2012-12-06 14:14:59.498 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B E0 06
2012-12-06 14:15:04.608 RX &nbs p; INSTEON TIMEOUT=14 3C C3
2012-12-06 14:15:04.717 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B E0
2012-12-06 14:15:04.764 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B E0 06
2012-12-06 14:15:05.264 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 26 2B A2
2012-12-06 14:15:05.483 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B E1
2012-12-06 14:15:05.530 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B E1 06
2012-12-06 14:15:05.748 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 21 2B 03
2012-12-06 14:15:05.936 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B E2
2012-12-06 14:15:05.983 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B E2 06
2012-12-06 14:15:06.248 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 21 2B 09
2012-12-06 14:15:06.451 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B E3
2012-12-06 14:16:00.686 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 28 0F
2012-12-06 14:16:00.733 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 28 0F 06
2012-12-06 14:16:00.983 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 21 28 0F
2012-12-06 14:16:01.186 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D0
2012-12-06 14:16:01.233 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D0 06
2012-12-06 14:16:02.233 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 27 2B A2
2012-12-06 14:16:03.374 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D1
2012-12-06 14:16:03.436 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D1 06
2012-12-06 14:16:04.046 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 2B 2B 04
2012-12-06 14:16:04.249 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D2
2012-12-06 14:16:04.311 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D2 06
2012-12-06 14:16:04.858 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 22 2B 09
2012-12-06 14:16:05.061 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D3
2012-12-06 14:16:05.124 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D3 06
2012-12-06 14:16:06.264 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 23 2B 4D
2012-12-06 14:16:06.452 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D4
2012-12-06 14:16:06.514 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D4 06
2012-12-06 14:16:11.608 RX &nbs p; INSTEON TIMEOUT=14 3C C3
2012-12-06 14:16:11.702 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D4
2012-12-06 14:16:11.749 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D4 06
2012-12-06 14:16:16.780 RX &nbs p; INSTEON TIMEOUT=14 3C C3
2012-12-06 14:16:16.889 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D4
2012-12-06 14:16:16.952 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D4 06
2012-12-06 14:16:18.061 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 23 2B 36
2012-12-06 14:16:18.280 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D5
2012-12-06 14:16:18.343 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D5 06
2012-12-06 14:16:18.546 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 21 2B 73
2012-12-06 14:16:18.764 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D6
2012-12-06 14:16:18.827 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D6 06
2012-12-06 14:16:23.921 RX &nbs p; INSTEON TIMEOUT=14 3C C3
2012-12-06 14:16:24.030 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D6
2012-12-06 14:16:25.577 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 27 2B 1B
2012-12-06 14:16:26.014 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D6
2012-12-06 14:16:26.077 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D6 06
2012-12-06 14:16:26.311 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 21 2B 1B
2012-12-06 14:16:31.108 RX &nbs p; INSTEON TIMEOUT=14 3C C3
2012-12-06 14:16:32.530 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 28 0F
2012-12-06 14:16:32.577 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 28 0F 06
2012-12-06 14:16:32.827 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 21 28 0F
2012-12-06 14:16:33.108 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D0
2012-12-06 14:16:33.186 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D0 06
2012-12-06 14:16:38.202 RX &nbs p; INSTEON TIMEOUT=14 3C C3
2012-12-06 14:16:38.296 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D0
2012-12-06 14:16:38.343 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D0 06
2012-12-06 14:16:40.343 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 27 2B A2
2012-12-06 14:16:40.561 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D1
2012-12-06 14:16:40.624 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D1 06
2012-12-06 14:16:45.733 RX &nbs p; INSTEON TIMEOUT=14 3C C3
2012-12-06 14:16:45.843 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D1
2012-12-06 14:16:45.905 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D1 06
2012-12-06 14:16:47.358 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 2B 2B 04
2012-12-06 14:16:47.546 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D2
2012-12-06 14:16:47.608 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D2 06
2012-12-06 14:16:48.593 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 27 2B 09
2012-12-06 14:16:48.796 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D3
2012-12-06 14:16:48.858 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D3 06
2012-12-06 14:16:50.843 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 27 2B 4D
2012-12-06 14:16:51.061 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D4
2012-12-06 14:16:51.108 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D4 06
2012-12-06 14:16:51.671 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 22 2B 36
2012-12-06 14:16:51.874 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D5
2012-12-06 14:16:51.936 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D5 06
2012-12-06 14:16:52.483 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 22 2B 73
2012-12-06 14:16:52.671 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D6
2012-12-06 14:16:52.733 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D6 06
2012-12-06 14:16:53.280 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 22 2B 1B
2012-12-06 14:16:53.483 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D7
2012-12-06 14:16:53.546 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D7 06
2012-12-06 14:16:58.655 RX &nbs p; INSTEON TIMEOUT=14 3C C3
2012-12-06 14:16:58.733 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B D7
2012-12-06 14:16:58.780 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B D7 06
2012-12-06 14:16:59.046 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 21 2B 00
2012-12-06 14:17:22.280 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 28 0F
2012-12-06 14:17:22.327 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 28 0F 06
2012-12-06 14:17:23.984 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 23 28 0F
2012-12-06 14:17:24.155 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B C8
2012-12-06 14:17:24.234 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B C8 06
2012-12-06 14:17:26.155 RX &nbs p; RECEIVEINSTEONRAW=14 3C
C3 1F 57 60 2B 2B A2
2012-12-06 14:17:26.374 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B C9
2012-12-06 14:17:26.452 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B C9 06
2012-12-06 14:17:31.562 RX &nbs p; INSTEON TIMEOUT=14 3C C3
2012-12-06 14:17:31.671 TX &nbs p; 02 62 14 3C C3 05 2B C9
2012-12-06 14:17:31.718 RX &nbs p; SENTINSTEON=1F 57 60 14
3C C3 05 2B C9 06
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grif091 Super User

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Posted: December 06 2012 at 20:09 | IP Logged
The trace is reading link records from 14 3C C3 using the Legacy I1 method, one byte at a time. No way to know what will happen after that as PH works with one device at a time.
The FF.FF.Ff noted in an earlier post indicates the device being accessed is an I2CS device that PH does not know is I2CS. A FF response often indicates the PLM is not authorized to communicate with the I2CS device. One of the new characteristics of I2CS.
Edited by grif091 - December 06 2012 at 20:13
__________________ Lee G
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traviskleckner Senior Member

Joined: February 26 2007 Location: United States
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Posted: December 07 2012 at 13:46 | IP Logged
Does that mean that I need to do something special between
the PLM and the new Lamplinc to allow PH to program it?
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BeachBum Super User

Joined: April 11 2007 Location: United States
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Posted: December 07 2012 at 14:58 | IP Logged
Just out of curiosity you're not running SDM with the 2412. If not what device manager are you controlling it with?
__________________ Pete - X10 Oldie
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traviskleckner Senior Member

Joined: February 26 2007 Location: United States
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Posted: December 07 2012 at 16:03 | IP Logged
I set it up just like your link...and after a little
messing around it seems to work
perfectly. As for how it works, you'd have to ask dave.
I really like it.
For what it's worth, I had a circa 2007 PLC (Controller
not Modem) and the new one is MUCH faster. Double tap
triggers work more like I expect them too (the PLC was
probably ~.75 to > 1 sec to respond sometimes, it's not
probably like .25 sec or less).
I will say that I know which circuits have most of the
Insteon Devices on them and it's not the dedicated
circuit that runs over by the equipment rack. I ran a
network line and put the new one closer to those devices
and off the known noisy circuit so that might have
something to do with it (although really the rack has a
powerstrip with amps and a UPS plugged into it so maybe
it's not real noisy.)
(Edited when I realized I was replying to BeachBum and he
didn't need my link that he sent me.)
Edited by traviskleckner - December 07 2012 at 16:04
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BeachBum Super User

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Posted: December 08 2012 at 02:19 | IP Logged
OK, got it. I run a power strip plus UPS but I have it all plugged through a filterlinc to eliminate any absorption of the signal which power strips do. Yes the PLM is lighting speed compared to a PLC. I've been fighting noise for years and I have one circuit that I have to use X10 on that insteon will not work because of the noise.
__________________ Pete - X10 Oldie
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traviskleckner Senior Member

Joined: February 26 2007 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 118
Posted: December 08 2012 at 06:34 | IP Logged
I had the amps and UPS on a FilterLinc for a while (back
when there were about 10 Insteon devices in my house) but
then for some reason it started humming so I eliminated it.
I've got more like 60 devices now, and they are pretty
evenly distributed to every room in the house and I rarely
if ever have a problem.
I wonder if all these dual-band devices are going to help
with that? My experience so far has been that the range on
the RF communications isn't good, but if all my devices (in
particular all my SwitchLincs were RF too, it might make
quite the difference.
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BeachBum Super User

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Posted: December 08 2012 at 11:41 | IP Logged
I've come to the same conclusion that the range is not that good. Maybe line of sight and 1 wall. My primary noise comes from trac light systems. I have a macro that sets the indicated level then checks against the real level at the device and resends if there is a problem. I know Jeff used a similar approach with his environment. I don't know if the rf signal will overpower the line signal at the receive. Maybe Lee can shed some light on that subject. From my experience the old APs had better range. With 60 devices you should own stock in Smarthome.
__________________ Pete - X10 Oldie
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traviskleckner Senior Member

Joined: February 26 2007 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 118
Posted: December 08 2012 at 12:13 | IP Logged
Well, after quite a bit more messing around I think I
might just have a bad LampLinc. I've e-mailed Smarthome
so we will see what they say.
What's interesting is that in PH the device is check
disabled. When I uncheck it and save then the pending
commands show up in the list (there are several links to
build) but then the first command shows up in the recent
list but it didn't actually happen. The Insteon log (and
the PH Log) shows nothing, no TX or RX to that address.
And the device is back to disabled. I've tried changing
the protocol from Legacy, I2 and I2CS and I get the same
I used the web interface on the 2412 and while I can
setup that LampLinc in a scene, it never responds to the
commands from the 2412. If I use the local control
buttons to turn it on, and the refresh the screen on the
2412 I can see the status reflect the change.
Interestingly, once it's on, the 2412 can turn it off,
but never back on. The only device that can link to it
and consistently control it is the RF Remote. I'm
wondering if the powerline communications part is somehow broken or corrupted.
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